Alger Hall: School of Management

Alger Hall, a circa 1960’s modern building, is centrally located on the Rhode Island College campus and was identified by the college as an ideal location for the growing School of Management and Technology. KITE started with a simple recladding of the existing 1950’s structure and ended up transforming the use and image of the building inside and out with a pair of bold additions and reorganization of the interior.

KITE designed additions on the east and west ends of the building that engage significant places along the central campus road and student walkway. To the east, a large flexible community space is created for departmental assembly functions as well as larger campus-wide events. The west addition utilizes advanced glass coatings to control solar heat gain and provide visual privacy to the student and faculty lounges within.

An innovative, prefabricated GFRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) wall system was developed in collaboration with industry leaders to suit the specific cost, schedule, and aesthetic concerns, while satisfying the structural and thermal performance requirements.

“Two years of careful design work has resulted in one of the finest teaching facilities in New England, certainly for the teaching of business and economics. Rhode Islanders will be proud to know the level of this facility and what RIC is doing to help prepare the workforce leaders of Rhode Island.” – James Schweikert, Dean of the School of Management and Technology


Bronze, Rhode Island Monthly Design Awards, 2007

Merit Award, Adaptive Reuse/Historic Preservation, AIA RI, 2006

Merit Award, Institutional/Educational Design, AIA RI, 2006

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